International Environmental Law Research Guide

Climate Change


Note: You are encouraged to book an appointment with a librarian to get help researching to figure out a note topic, and at any other stage of your writing process.

Climate Change Paper Topic Ideas

To do research to come up with a paper topic idea, review blogs and news related to climate change.

You can also skim some online books about Climate Justice.

Or examine the Outline of the Nutshell below, to get the lay of the land and select an area of interest to focus on.


Find Articles on Climate Change

A few examples of articles on climate change include:

Legal Articles
Multidisciplinary Articles
Google Scholar Search

To access the articles below, first log into:

For a more comprehensive explanation of how to search for articles see:

Find Books on Climate Change

These subject headings will make it easy to find books (including ebooks), and book chapters on Climate Change in the UC Law SF Library catalog.

A few examples of books on climate change are:

Climate Change Research Guides