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Elder Law Research Guide: Primary Law

Primary Law


Relevant Code Titles:
CA Probate Code; CA Civil Code; CA Health and Safety Code; Welfare and Institutions Code (from CA Legislative Information)

Annotated Codes on Lexis and Westlaw (current text of CA Code with Case Annotations and Notes)

Search Individual Code Titles on Westlaw

Search Individual Code Titles on Lexis

CA Legislative Counsel provides free internet access to California Bills:

California Bills (1993- 2016)

California Bills (1999-current)

Relevant Regulations:

California Code of Regulations -- Westlaw Lexis | Internet

Title 17 Public Health
Title 22 Social Security
Title 28 Managed HealthCare

California Agencies

California Municipal Codes:

San Francisco


Lexis  -- California Municipal Codes (search the muni-codes published by Lexis)

Institute for Government Studies - California Local Codes and Charters (Links to muni-code websites for all cities, counties and town in California)


US Codes: Lexis | Westlaw | Internet

Code of Federal Regulations: Lexis | Westlaw | Internet

US Federal Agencies