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California Administrative Law Research Guide: Home


As a general rule, regulations are different from statutes: regulations are enacted by administrative agencies, while statutes are enacted by the legislature (or by voter initiative). The authority to adopt, amend, and repeal regulations is granted to an agency by either constitutional provision or statute. When exercising this authority, agencies must follow the procedures set forth in the California Administrative Procedure Act (Government Code 11340 et. seq.). This guide outlines how to locate and update California regulations. Some agencies have established administrative tribunals that adjudicate certain disputes.This guide will help you locate those agency decisions.

Finding California Regulations

Office of Administrative Law

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) publishes three primary regulatory publications for California: (1) the California Code of Regulations (CCR); (2) the California Code of Regulations Supplement (CCR Supplement); and (3) the California Regulatory Notice Register (Notice Register).

The CCR contains regulations duly adopted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) by California state agencies. Generally speaking, after OAL approves a proposed regulation adopted by a state agency, it then files the regulation with the Secretary of State.  The CCR is updated weekly through the publication of the CCR Supplement (Register). The CCR Supplement (Register) is commonly and historically referred to as the “Register.”

California Code of Regulations (CCR)

CCR is divided into 28 Titles:

1. General Provisions
2. Administration
3. Food and Agriculture
4. Business Regulations
5. Education
6. Governor
7. Harbors and Navigation
8. Industrial Relations
9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services
10. Investment
11. Law
12. Military and Veterans Affairs
13. Motor Vehicles
14. Natural Resources

15. Crime Prevention and Corrections
16. Professional and Vocational Regulations
17. Public Health
18. Public Revenues
19. Public Safety
20. Public Utilities and Energy
21. Public Works
22. Social Security
23. Waters
24. Building Standards Code
25. Housing and Community Development
26. Toxics
27. Environmental Protection
28. Managed Health Care

Current California regulations are officially compiled in the print Barclays California Code of Regulations (CCR) (KFC35 .A22 - 4th Floor Stacks).  Barclay's publishes a Master Index to the current CCR. It is the last two volumes in the set. One volume contains statute to regulation tables; the second volume contains a subject index. The subject index is the place to look if you do not have a citation to a regulation. 

The current CCR is available online. The default view is to browse but you can search it as well. Thomson Reuters maintains this publicly available database so it is best searched using Westlaw terms and connectors. You can also locate an agency's contact information and link to the agency's sections in the CCR. Title 6 (Governor) and Title 24 (Building Codes) are not included on this website.

Title 24 of the CCR

The California Building Standards Code, has 12 parts:

Part 1 - California Building Standards Administrative Code
Part 2 - California Building Code
Part 2.5 - California Residential Building Code
Part 3 - California Electrical Code
Part 4 - California Mechanical Code
Part 5 - California Plumbing Code
Part 6 - California Energy Code

Part 7 - (No longer published in Title 24.  See Title 8, CCR)
Part 8 - California Historical Building Code
Part 9 - California Fire Code
Part 10 - California Existing Building Code
Part 11 - California Green Building Standards Code
Part 12 - California Reference Standards Code

Title 24 is available online at Current print copies of Title 24 are kept in the Research Alcove.  Superseded copies are on the 5th Stacks at KFC35 .A22b.

Lexis and Westlaw

The CCR (titles 6 and 24 are not included) is also available on Lexis and Westlaw.

Updating Regulations & Proposed Changes

The California Regulatory Code Supplement (aka "The Register") (1945-current Micrographics - Cabinets 22-23);
This contains the official register of changes to the CCR. The weekly updates include the full text of all the regulations filed during that week with the Secretary of State, as well as a list of the CCR sections affected by the newly published regulation.

Digest of New Regulations KFC35 .A22 - 4th Floor Stacks (1994- current)
Weekly publication of official summaries of new regulations

The California Regulatory Notice Register  (2018-current); (2009-2017); (2002-2008);
Also in print in the library KFC35 .A23 - 5th Floor Stacks (1979-current)*
This additional weekly publication, known as the Notice Register or Z Register, is published by the California State Office of Administrative Law.  It includes all proposed regulatory changes within state agencies, as well as disapproval decisions, regulations filed with the Secretary of State, title and section changes to the CCR filed with the Secretary of State, and agency contact information. There is no index, so you will need to look at the table of contents for each issue to check for proposed changes.
 *The current year of the Notice Register or  Z Register is kept in a white binder after the last bound volume.  The Notice Register began publication in 1974.  For the earlier years 1974-1978, see the California State Library catalog

Rulemaking Calendar  KFC35 .A23 - 5th Floor Stacks (1979-current) 2019 pp. 1-200 | 2019 pp. 201-400 | 2019 pp. 401-600
The Rulemaking Calendar is published each year in the Z Register.  Every board and department lists proposed regulations, the subject of the proposed regulation, the CCR title and sections affected, the statutes being implemented, contact names and telephone numbers, and projected dates for notices, hearings, and adoption.

California State Agencies
The individual agency websites are also a good place to check for new and proposed regulations.

Westlaw and Lexis

Westlaw California Regulation Tracking
Tracking information for proposed and recently adopted administrative rules and regulations for the state of California, including a summary of the rule or regulation, status information, a citation or other administrative register information, and the sponsoring agency.

Westlaw California Proposed and Adopted Regulations  - Current
Full text of proposed and recently adopted rules and regulations for the state of California, with coverage going back 2 years.

Lexis California Regulatory Law Bulletin
contains information on recent developments in California regulatory law. Materials in this file include summaries of proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency regulations, open meetings information, and other information from Boards, Commissions,Departments or Offices.

Lexis California Regulation Tracking and State Net Regulatory Text


Subject Specialist

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Hilary Hardcastle
(415) 565-4792